Pls provide me solved numericals of t above mentioned chapter as thr are very few questns are given in scaners nd aditnal books nd study.. .nd i need alot f questns to make a grip on tht chap..
shobhit chandra (ipcc student) (707 Points)
20 September 2011Pls provide me solved numericals of t above mentioned chapter as thr are very few questns are given in scaners nd aditnal books nd study.. .nd i need alot f questns to make a grip on tht chap..
CA Raha Sk
(150 Points)
Replied 20 September 2011
if u need more problems in tat chapter check it out in accounts paduka book
* Krishna *
(CA Student)
(6149 Points)
Replied 20 September 2011
Try to solve problems also from Practice manuals, if you have not done so far and refer earlier RTPs.