Professional Lessons from 3 Idiots

Prasad R (CA Final) (2128 Points)

27 February 2010  

Hi Friend's,


Don't think i'm posting a movie review or anything like that from 3 IDIOTS.

Every thing in life teaches us something so did the movie 3 IDIOTS. Jus sharing this file with all of you coz the message that has been taken from this is something which we all can incorporate in our PROFESSIONAL LIFE and our PERSONAL LIFE.

Some of the lessons worth mentioning here is :

  1. Never try to be successful pursue excellence : This is a must in a profession like CA,CS,ICWA etc.
  2. Freedom to live, life is beautiful : If we get this kind kind of freedom during articlship, articleship will be a bliss.
  3. Passion leads to excellence : If we are passionate abt our profession we will never feel the pressure of work.
  4. Learning is very simple, Never stop : The day we become outdated in a profession like CA,CS,ICWA etc. thats THE END. Stay updated always.
  5. Pressure at Head : who better then we professionals to know wt pressure is all have experienced it in the months of  july, sept etc etc. Bt thats not the end we have a beautiful life ahead jus have to balance between work annd personal life.
  6. Necessity is mother of Inventions : Throw a challenge on any CA he will come up with a new methodology to overcome with ease.
  7. Simplicity in Life : Success will surely be ours one day. Jus have to know how to handle it with simplicity. Great example "Sir Sachin Tendulkar" he is a legend bt the most DOWN TO EARTH person the world has ever seen.
  8. Importance of words in communication : who better than CA/CS/ICWA students to know what it means a minute mistake in communicating the answer to the examiner might cost them 6 more months.

To know better what i have mentioned above jus go through the file attached.Hope everyone of us will take some lesson from the file attached.



Prasad R