It could be understood thro an example. Like "A" & "B" are two members (CA) and known to each other. "A" introduced "B" to "Mr Client". Usually "A" look after all the financial works of "Mr Client". After meeting with "B" "Mr Client" contacted him (B) for one of his financial work. I "B" accepts the work then "B" would be, according to CA Act, guilty of Professional Misconduct. "B" shold not accept the work from "Mr Client".
If any professional work of such client comes to him directly, it should be his duty to ask the client that he should come through the other member dealing generally with his original work.
The above lines means if "Mr Client" comes to "B" directly, without knowledge of "A", for some work then it is the duty of "B" to ask "Mr Client" that he should come through "A" who is dealing his financial work generally. If "A" asks "B" to handle the work offered by "Mr Client" then only "B" should accepts the work from "Mr Client".
I hope i have cleared ur doubt....