Does the Professional Development Expenses given to Employees by the Employer are exempt from Tax ?
Professional development expenses
Uday Phanindra Kumar Gajula (Article Trainee) (163 Points)
22 May 2013Uday Phanindra Kumar Gajula (Article Trainee) (163 Points)
22 May 2013Does the Professional Development Expenses given to Employees by the Employer are exempt from Tax ?
(C.A Final Student )
(472 Points)
Replied 22 May 2013
Hi uday.
No specific exempltion is available as per my knowledge.
Even notification regarding the same is also got expired in 2011..
You could wait for other experts review on the same.
Thanks & Regards
Suraj Pahuja
Uday Phanindra Kumar Gajula
(Article Trainee)
(163 Points)
Replied 22 May 2013
Thank you Mr. Suraj Pahuja, can you please provide me the link of the expire notification.
(C.A Final Student )
(472 Points)
Replied 22 May 2013
Check it out .. the attached file
PF & ESI Course - Labour Code 2019 Along with Examples and Case Studies