Hi Obulirajan,
If that is the case why do they want to specify Income chargeable under the head "Salaries" as ( 1+3+4+5).
In schedule S it says
Item 1. Salary ( Excluding all exempt / non-exempt allowances, perquisites & profit in lieu of salary as they are shown separately below)
Item 2: Allowances exempt under section 10 ( Not to be included in 6 below)
Item 3: Allowances not exempt (refer Form 16 from Employer)
Item 4: Value of perquisites (refer Form 16 from Employer)
Item 5: Profits in lieu of salary (refer Form 16 from Employer)
Item 6: Income chargeable under the Head 'Salaries' (1+3+4+5)
Lets see this with an example also. Lets say
Item 1 = 144000
Item 2 = 100200
Item 3 = 100800
Item 4 = -
Item 5 = -
Item 6 ( 1+3+4+5 ) will give us '244800' but in my Form 16 It says '242400' after considering deduction towards Profession tax of 2400.
So now in Item 6 of Schedule S, Do I want to show '244800' or '242400'? Pls clarify.
Thanks in advance