I wanted to know that is there any minimum employee limit in the company to deduct profession tax ???
i mean is it necessary to deduct profession tax if there are only 6 employees working in a company having salary above Rs.5000??
Nikhil Shah (Accountant) (81 Points)
08 July 2011I wanted to know that is there any minimum employee limit in the company to deduct profession tax ???
i mean is it necessary to deduct profession tax if there are only 6 employees working in a company having salary above Rs.5000??
Nikhil Shah
(81 Points)
Replied 08 July 2011
plz do let me know the minimum employee limit for applicability of profession tax act?
U S Sharma
(21063 Points)
Replied 09 July 2011
profession tax is applied from very 1st employee. there is no exemption
Naresh chippa
(Student CA Final )
(21 Points)
Replied 14 August 2014
now it is basic exemption limit of Rs.7500
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