Step-by-step procedure to download Form 16A:
- Login to TRACES using your User ID, Password, TAN/PAN, and captcha code.
- Under the 'Downloads' tab, select 'Form 16A' from the dropdown menu.
- Select the Financial Year, Quarter, Form type, and PAN for the TDS certificate you want to download. Click on 'Go'.
- Verify and submit the details of the authorized person.
- Perform KYC validation using either DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) or without DSC by providing TDS return details and challan information.
- Once KYC details are validated, a success message will appear along with a request number. Form 16A can be downloaded from the 'Downloads' section if the status is 'Available'. Wait for 24-48 hours if the status is 'Submitted'.
- Enter the Request Number or Request Date or select 'View All'. If the status is 'Available', click on download.
- Download the TRACES utility for converting Form 16A to PDF.
- Download TRACES PDF Converter V 1.5 Light Version.
- Open the utility, browse and select the zip folder, enter your TAN as the password, select the folder to save the forms, and click on 'Proceed'.
- The PDF versions of Form 16A will be saved in the selected folder. The password to open Form 16A is your TAN in UPPERCASE.