While un-installing java (TM) 6 update 29 i m facing this problem.
“Error applying transforms. verify that the specified transform paths are valid”
what to do.?
Aashi Jain (CA) (147 Points)
02 October 2012
While un-installing java (TM) 6 update 29 i m facing this problem.
“Error applying transforms. verify that the specified transform paths are valid”
what to do.?
( CA)
(82 Points)
Replied 02 October 2012
try restarting ur pc. nd then again do the procedure, it might help
Aakar Verma
(46 Points)
Replied 06 October 2012
Use driverless, plug and play Gemalto USB Token for Digital Signature [DSC]. Many firms are moving to gemalto usb token product because of its handy features and less price.
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