Private Company which is subsidiary of a Public Company

vivek (CS) (751 Points)

15 December 2010  

Dear All,


Sec. 3(1)(iv)(c)- Privae Company which is a subsidiary of a company which is not a Private Company.


My query is :-


1. Company "A Pvt. Ltd." is subsidiary of a ABC (Company incorporaed in abroad as Pvt. Company)- For sure "A Pvt. Ltd." is a pure Pvt. company under The Companies ACt, 1956.


2. Company  "A Pvt. Ltd." is subsidiary of a ABC (Company incorporaed in abroad as Public Company)- What is the status of  "A Pvt. Ltd." is this a pure Pvt. company/ Pvt. Company which is subsi of a Pub. Comp. under The Companies Act, 1956?


3. Company "A Pvt. Ltd." is subsidiary of a ABC (Company incorporaed in abroad as Pvt. Company) which is subsidiary of KL Ltd.(Indian Public Company)- What is the status of "A Pvt. Ltd." is this a pure Pvt. company/ Pvt. Company which is subsi of a Pub. Comp. under The Companies Act, 1956?



