private company, appointment of auditor
Priyal Goyal (1 Points)
04 May 2019Priyal Goyal (1 Points)
04 May 2019
vaishali singh
(395 Points)
Replied 04 May 2019
Jatin Bajaj
(2930 Points)
Replied 04 May 2019
As per the provisions of Section 139 of the Companies Act 2013, every auditor shall be appointed by the Company in its general meeting who shall hold the office till the conclusion of sixth Annual General Meeting. usually auditors are appointed for the period of 5 years in case of individuals and 2 consecutive term of 5 year each in case of Audit Firm.
And the auditors are rotated after the expiry of the tenure as per the provisions mentioned in the Companies Act 2013.
For the following Companies, the provisions of rotation of auditors are applicable.
1. The Private Companies whose paid up share capital is more than 50 crore or whose paid up share capital is not within the limit of 50 crore but borrowing is more than 50 crores as per the latest audited balance sheet.