President's Message - October 2010 - (01-10-2010)


Dear All,

Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink.

18th century English poet S. T. Coleridge, in the above lines, has represented the current situation in some of the densely-populated regions of our country. It has rained more than our needs this year. Hundreds of acres of land across our country have got submerged under water. Hundreds of kilometers of our roads have been washed away. Hundreds of people have been displaced, stuck and stranded, and rendered helpless. No real data is available on the destruction of human life. Immediate concern at present is to safeguard our human resources. Let us accept that we have added to the misery by eroding our own earth and destroying its vegetation on a mass scale. Actually, we have grown high in number. Couldn’t we have controlled this eventuality? Our world is small and round: our irresponsibility comes back to us.

What can we do when things go out of our hands? No, nothing goes out of our hands ever. Therefore, time is always right to take a corrective measure. Let us deliberate, share our ideas and concerns, and cooperate towards the welfare of state.