Prepare Before Interview.

CA Ayush Agarwal (Kolkata-Pune-Mumbai) (27186 Points)

06 July 2010  


Here are some questions for final preparation before your interview. Many of them are very frequently asked, a few sometimes or rarely. Look at them and see how you would answer them both truthfully and in a way that shows that between you and the job there is a very good fit, i.e, your technical, behavioral skills and motivation match very well with the demands of the post applied for.




  1. Tell us about yourself.
  2. What do you know about the industry/field ?
  3. What do you know about our company/organisation/institution ?
  4. What do you know about the post ?
  5. Why do you wish to join our company, institute, organisation ?
  6. if you were in this panel, what would you be looking for in a candidate for this post - And do you have those qualities ?
  7. What is the purpose of this interview ?
  8. Tell us about the last time you showed initiative. What did you do ? Results ?
  9. What are your career goals ?
  10. What are your reading habits ?
  11. What are the events in the news today ?
  12. What is your biggest strength ?
  13. What is your biggest weakness ?
  14. What do you look for in a job ?
  15. Who are your heroes ?
  16. How would you describe yourself ?
  17. What would you describe yourself in two words ?
  18. What has been your biggest challenge ?
  19. What was the most difficult situation you ever faced and how did you handle it ?
  20. What qualities do you admire most in people ?
  21. Why should we select you ?
  22. What have your done lately to develop yourself ?
  23. What personal qualities do you feel are important for success in this field ?
  24. What will you like most about this position?
  25. Do you feel that the time spent in extra-curricular activities when you were in college was worth the time ?
  26. Who has exercised the greatest influence over you ?
  27. This post is Stressful ? Can you handle stress ?
  28. Would you rather be working out in field (outside) or at desk ?
  29. What areas or personal qualities need improvement for you to be fully effective in your job or career ?
  30. What skills are you still trying to develop ?
  31. Would you say that you have in your work a customer orientation ?
  32. How long will you stay with us ?
  33. Tell me about the last time you exercised leadership. What were the circumstances, what did you do and what were the result ?
  34. Tell me ...initiative.
  35. What will your reference tell me about your initiative ?
  36. Tell  me...teamwork ?
  37. Tell me...organizational ability, stress, etc.
  38. Tell me about the last time you were angry, and how you handled it.
  39. How do you keep yourself up-to-date in your area of expertise ?
  40. Do you have any question you would like to ask us ?
  41. For services hotels, etc, emphasize service altitude, pleasant rapport.
  42. Sell me this motorcycle.
  43. A release order will be given for your shipment at the Kolkata port if you give some speed money to the clerk who is asking for it. Your reaction and action ?
  44. There's been a mistake. You have been called to this interview by mistake.
  45. What is your favorite subject ? Tell us about it.
  46. What was the last film you saw. Tell us about it.
  47. You are over-qualified for this job.
  48. How would you sell a mirror to a blind man, a refrigerator to an Eskimo ?
  49. Tell me about one time when you experienced very good service. Why do you consider that as good service ?
  50. Tell me about one tome when you experienced very bad service.
  51. What aspects of yourself do you need to develop to become more effective ?
  52. What do the initial of our company stands for ? TCS, IBM, 3M, TISCO, TELCO, NALCO, ITC, BHEL,CESCO,HMT.
  53. What are you three best qualities ?
  54. What kind of a job are you looking for ?

For those with work experience

  1. Why are you changing jobs, fields ?
  2. Please describe how much of your previous experience do you feel is relevant for the job for which you have applied ?
  3. Describe a time when you made a suggestion to improve the work in your organization.
  4. Describe a time when you spotted a problem before anyone else did. What did you do about it ?
  5. What advice would you give to a prospective sales person ?
  6. To what extent does your boss have to watch over you at work ?
  7. Describe a time when you were willing to perform task outside your regular duties ?
  8. Tell me about the last time you undertook a project that demanded a lot of initiative.
  9. What most upsets you at work ?