Hi Mr. Faisal, please follow the steps below:
Building rent- revenue in nature and must be expensed
Construction- include it into the cost of fixed assets
AC- include it into cost of fixed assets
Office work- furniture & fittings? Include into cost of fixed assets
Shop fitting equipment- include into cost of fixed assets
The other following expenses above- add them to the cost of fixed asset.
now things are simple here, apart from building rent which is an expense, calculate the total amount for the rest of the items, and name them as total PPE or Fixed assets, and recognise them on the balance sheet.
I know, if it is a start up, there are no assets. So, you will have to recognise all of these expenses into class of assets- here, Fixed Assets in balance sheet for the first time. And then start depreciating them.
Note: there is no need for you to show them as an intangible assets because you will recognise all assets as per PPE standard and costs related to it.
An asset is capitalised, always! Please let me know if you got it.
I repeat- what is pre operating expenses to you, are assets and costs directly attributable to construct that asset. So, I will recognise them accordingly on the balance sheet.