Precaution to be taken by a CA student


16 January 2010  


 IF you  just joined the CA course, then please read the following matters very seriously, the discussion here under is most frequently happens in the real life situations. Understand it and try to change it immediately, so that you can success in the CA course.
Mistake No 1 over rely on coaching class
False feeling that coaching will ensure the 100% success and over depending on coaching on the entire subject.
If you are beginner, you may be getting nervous due to the peer pressure of the course and the people around you may input some degree of pressure. You may be thinking that you cannot clear the course without attending the coaching classes. In fact, most of the coaching classes were established to enrich their own pocket rather than the moral commitment to the student society.
If you see the coaching class fee of premier institute, you can realize that a poor student cannot afford any coaching at all. Some others institute demand to attend compulsorily the other subject of the same institute.
Is coaching is required?
 Answer is yes, if and only after studying the subject and if you feel comfortable then not required the coaching. Never over rely upon the coaching. Even if undergone to coaching we have to rework on the subject again. This is the professional course and we need to become self dependant to a larger extent. I never suggest that it is a waste. Now I am seeing a greater tendency that all the students are undergoing coaching for all the subject and there is an attractive offers given by  coaching institute.
Never over rely on coaching, first learn own your own, then, if it is really needed then attend the coaching classes. I strongly contending that coaching cannot able to guarantee 100% success, unless you are not self dependent. What coaching teacher taught you, you can write, else, blank.
In sum you are becoming a spoon feeded baby. Such babies will fail always. Here you must be independent, utilize the coaching as a rectification of your weakness.
The most sad tendency among the students is over relying on the coaching classes.
India was once upon a time over depending on Sachin Tendulkar.If sachin score, india win, else out of the game. This is the fate of those who depending over on coaching classes.
Coaching classes will give you many short cuts and technique in deed. But these will be effective at let you had covered the syllabi before joining the classes.
In cricket this do net practice before you going the real match situations.
There is a story of wood cutter.
One day the wood cutter was cutting the wood near the bank of river. Suddenly the axes slipped from his hand and dipped in to the river. He was so disappointed .Suddenly goddess appeared in front of him and asked why you are disappointed. He explained .Goddess replied that she will help him out. She was disappeared in the river and after few time she was appeared in front of wood cutter with the golden axes. The wood cutter was honest and replied that it is not his axes. Later comes with the silver axes. Same reply that the  axes is not belonging to him and finally appeared with his own  axes. Wood cutter replied that the axes belonging to him.
What is the moral as a CA student? If you are searching for golden axes, you cannot guarantee even your iron axes. But if you stick with your iron axes, the golden axes will come to your disposal.
This is the most important aspect which most of the student neglect now. Every body searching for the golden axes and losing the iron axes with their disposal.
No pain and no gain theory
If you had suffered many difficulties, then you will become better, can be able to solve the problem own your own without anyone help. That is a good road never make a good driver, a smooth see never make a good sailor.
Self study will make you independent to a larger extent .You can get the chance of committing many mistake and facing many problems only at the time of self study. You spoiling such a great moment by simply attend the coaching class.
Is coaching is needed?
Yes, indeed. Problem paper like costing and accounts. MAFA,etc.
Self study is the better way  as it will develop some of your basic skills.The self developed skills only will help you for the exam. For new generation CA students due to over rely on the coaching may losing this skills to a large extent.
The danger of self study is wasting the time for the area which  is less relevant for the exam.For them following shall be  recommended.
Some students are writing both group always and failing always.
Is writing both group is a mistake?
 It is indeed not a mistake, if and only if you have sufficient time  go ahead and your method of studies are so systematic. Some students just plan both group, they may either have insufficient time with them, they are just spoon feeding coaching babies.
If you have insufficient time, better resort to single group. I had seen a thread column which was published few days back for seeking the guidance . The student under discussion are asking a question that I had not started CA final studies and my may exam is coming? What to do? Can I opt for Both group! Most of the answer was Go for both group. Is this is the commitment as far as a CA final student is concerned? How many month is left for may from Now?
Take the decision own your own. If you have less than 6 month with you then better no need to go both group.
Gees and tortoise story
Gees and tortoise was friends and both are lived near the bank of river. Once,  the summer comes and the pond dried up, nothing to eat. Gees are decided to flew some other pond that have water. The tortoise was requested to gees , but they were rejected to take him as the tortoise cannot flew with them. Finally two gees had agreed to take the tortoise along with him. They had taken a stick which was lying near the bank of river .They met the tortoise and told him that both
The gees will take the stick in vertical and tortoise needs to hold in between the stick. They had instructed the tortoise to not open the mouth until reaching the destination. The journey started, every villagers while seeing this start shouted. Unfortunately the tortoise had opened the mouth and fall to the death.
Moral for both group
If you fixing the goal according to others view, you cannot come out and will fail. You should fix the goal according to your views ,otherwise you have the same faith of tortoise in the story….
If you are a beginner, please try to understand these fact at least now onwards, Try to come out of the demerit of above…if you come out you can survive…Else…
Will experience you in the later point of time…..
ALL The Best