Pre incorporation contract

saman (student) (61 Points)

17 June 2012  
Pls help me on d quesn below a co. was in d proces of incorporatn.promoters of the co signed an agreement 4 d purchase of certain furniture 4 d company n payment was 2 be made 2 d suplier by d company after incorporatn.shortly,after incorporation d company went into liquidation n d debt cud nt b paid by d company 2 d a result suplier sued d promoter of d co 4 d recovery of money.Examine whethr promoters can b held liable 4 payment undr folowing situations: 1.whn d co. had already adoptd d contract aftr incorporatn. 2.whn d co. makes a fresh contract wid d suplier in terms of pre-incorporation contract.