This is practical problem not only for you but to all other tax payers too due to change in ITC rules..
It's really our karma for small and medium sized enterprises.
Fraud was done in cores.But they punish all.
If invoice is not a valid document then what is the use of GST law for small tax payers.
GST is already burden to small tax payers.If you register under GST ,you must collect GST even if you sell 1000/- turnover doesn't matter.
What an idiotic rule ??
Atleast service tax was good.There was threshold for collecting tax.
GST is killing many small and medium tax payers.
Finance Minister through budget done many mistakes-LIC industry effected
Housing finance companies effected.
NPS and PF get more trouble..
Even earlier pfx digital signature removed.
How many tokens of DSC one should buy during June to October??
As long as there is no exam to become politicians and ministers , India will be move like a tortoise..
Who demanded to remove deductions??