Hi Friends,
I need power point presentation on Accounting Standard - 21. If anyone have than pls mail me at gbhadada @ gmail.com
Gaurav Bhadada (Job) (23 Points)
02 May 2008Hi Friends,
I need power point presentation on Accounting Standard - 21. If anyone have than pls mail me at gbhadada @ gmail.com
Shefali Bajpai
(Article Assitant & CA Final Student)
(1148 Points)
Replied 02 May 2008
Even I wud like to know from where can we get ppts. on AS?
I have ppt on AS 13, 20, 22 & 26 and I found them very lucid for clearing the concept.
Hi Shefali,
Can u forward the presentations on sjhavar @ gmail.com.
It would be of immense help.
Saurabh Jhavar
(44 Points)
Replied 18 June 2008
Hello Shefali,
I am also pursuing CA.. can u mail ppt presentation on Accounting Standards to trivedi.cacs @ gmail.com
(manager audit)
(21 Points)
Replied 04 February 2011
hi all
i am student of ca final
can any body send me ppt on AS 21-23-27,
my mail id poojanaman02 @ gmail.com
(article assitanat)
(24 Points)
Replied 23 January 2017
Dear Ms.Shefali,
I would be extremely grateful to you, if you mail the ppt of As which you have. My mail id is ramanathanr06 @ gmail.com