Power Point Presentations on AS 1,2,3,22,29,15

Page no : 14

Himanshu (13 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Hi can u mail me at doshihimanshu @ yahoo.com

[quote=581]Hi dear professionals,

        Things are becoming hactic as exams are approaching.
        By the I have power point presentations on the above accounting standards if any one of u guys need the same all u have do is to reply this.
         I think this is easy way to learn ?????[/quote]

Hardik (13 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

ps send me on hardik371 @ yahoo.com

Man Chawla (CA Job) (27 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Please email me the power point presentations.
man_chawla2002 @ yahoo.com

Thanks and regards

[quote=581]Hi dear professionals,

        Things are becoming hactic as exams are approaching.
        By the I have power point presentations on the above accounting standards if any one of u guys need the same all u have do is to reply this.
         I think this is easy way to learn ?????[/quote]

Surajit Kashyapi (31 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Hi Kamal - Could you please send me those presentation to me following mail id.

surajit.kashyapi @ ge.com

Thanks a lot!!

Jigjag (37 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Dear sir

Please send me this powerpoint presentation on email Id m29_neetu @ yahoo.co.in

Lee123 (AM) (22 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007


    can u please send to ... cbekrish @ yahoo.co.in

Sanath (Auditor) (20 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

[quote=581]Hi dear professionals,

        Things are becoming hactic as exams are approaching.
        By the I have power point presentations on the above accounting standards if any one of u guys need the same all u have do is to reply this.
         I think this is easy way to learn ?????[/quote]

Shafi (13 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

hi please email me the powerpoint docts to the below mentioned email ID.

md_shafi @ indiatimes.com

Ajayvikram (13 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Pls mail me the presentations

Jhankhana Shah (39 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007


My e-mail id is jhankhana.shah @ gmail.com

C Srinivas (16 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

hello sir,

can u pls send me the power point presentations of accounting standards to my email id css_16 @ hotmail.com.


srinivas c s

Rajesh Mantri (CA Job) (14 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

[quote=581]Hi dear professionals,

        Things are becoming hactic as exams are approaching.
        By the I have power point presentations on the above accounting standards if any one of u guys need the same all u have do is to reply this.
         I think this is easy way to learn ?????[/quote]

Please send the presentation at mantriraj @ yahoo.com

Curious Somuch (16 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

it'll be gr8 if u cud send the same to me 2
my id :onlyneha @ rediffmail.com

Sambit Pattnaik (13 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

please send me the power point presentation.


my id sambit_eca @ yahoo.co.in

Karnakara (13 Points)
Replied 10 May 2007

Please send me the presentation for accounting standards at
karnakara @ gmail.com


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