Power Of Now

rk_26_2000@yahoo.com (rk_26_2000@yahoo.com) (53 Points)

22 April 2011  

Friends i can feel and understand what kind of stress we encounter thinking about the Date of Exam,As it nears.But all i can say is,Not to think much about days to come, rather sit and think about NOW..... As i reluctantly gazed at one of my fellow passenger reading a book called Power of now.I realised the line power of now had such a impending influcnce. when i started introspecting "Now" stuff then i realised that all we have is present in our control.The actions what we do now will result in some reslut that will happen in future.SO i can say future is result of Present actions.That is NOW.

So i feel keeping things simple and making a  SWOT analysis will make you feel really feel more confortable.Thinking too much about THE BALANCE OF SYLIBUS TO BE COVERED RATHER THEN FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE COVERED SO FAR.This will make you feel relaxed and would enable in covering the balance swifly.

Friends dont think too much about the result of your hardwork.ALL WE HAVE IS NOW....SO ENJOY YOUR NOW.