Power of determination

Nabeel (CA) (3288 Points)

01 August 2011  

Power of Determination

People say that there is no secret of success, Other than hard work and intelligence.

But the secret does not lie in all these stuffs, it’s just the power to believe and never give up.


Many of us would for sure find it a trash,

But all cannot see the peak in just a flaash.

These are the traditional blinds bounded by their own motion,

Who neither rise nor do they want to see others in motion.


But the once who possess the courage to believe in their dreams,

For them life becomes much easier, no matter how difficult it may seem.

People might abandon them and give them a damn eye,

But the Power of Determination is what that makes them fly high in the sky.


It’s the human to try to get the recognition,

It doesn’t matter how small our contribution is.

But we are never satisfied with such a vague applause,

So make it a point not to pause.


You can never be a hero without any special feature.

And this would never be taught by any school or teacher.

It’s just your own potential which you have to draw out,

It’s your self - belief, which will help your dream to sprout.


So just move a step and don’t be afraid, because this is the time for the choice to be made.

Just do what you want and then you will see what you always wanted to be.