
RADHIKA JALAN (agarwal) (1521 Points)

05 July 2014  
Dr. Howard Steingeril, an american scientist, collected Mantras, Hymns and invocations from all over the world and tested their strength in his Physiology Laboratory... Hindus' Gayatri Mantra produced 110,000 sound waves per second. This was the highest and was found to be the most powerful hymn in the world. Through the combination of sound or sound waves of a particular frequency, the Mantra is claimed capable of developing specific spiritual potentialities. The Hamburg University initiated research into the efficacy of the Gayatri Mantra both on the mental and physical plane of CREATION.search Revelation: Gayatri Mantra is the most powerful hymn The Gayatri Mantra is broadcast daily for 15 minutes from 7 pm on wards over Radio Paramaribo, Surinam, South America for the past two years and in Amsterdam, Holland for the last six months. Listening to Gayatri Mantra results in awakening trillions of neurons in the brain, only four percent of which stay awake in the ordinary brain? When this happens man becomes super human. The Gayatri Mantra is scientific, as it is based on the universal and natural laws relating to sound and matter. The Mantra recited on a mass scale creates powerful sound waves which affect every human being like heat and cold waves in a subtle way, and the result is instantaneous. The Aura will then be created engulfing the whole world, making it impossible for any evil power to have its effect on our world. The aura thus strengthens peace, love, unity, equality and brotherhood.