I got email initimations under sections 245( for AY 2013-14) and 143( for AY 2012-13). These notifcations tell I have outstanding demand tax of around Rs.58000 in AY 2011-12.
As I was aborad, I was not able to file ITR in AY 2011-12. Incometaxindiaefiling website show all my return forms except for AY 2011-12 (which I was not able to file).
I met CA who told there is no way outstanding demand is raised for any year without filing ITR. He suggested I might have paper filed ITR in AY 2011-12. Is that a possibility ?
Initimation under section 245 tells I have to meet jurisdictional AO who is in Chennai ( ex-employers office ). I am in Kerala now and meeting in person is tough. Do I have any other options ?
Thanks for reading.