Positive Attitude- Motivational PPT

Prasad R (CA Final) (2128 Points)

28 February 2010  

Hi Friend's,



 Life is all about perspective a negative perspective can break someone and a postive perspective can make someone's life. LIFE IS 10% HOW U SEE IT AND 90% HOW U MAKE IT.No one ever dared to climb Mount Everest few years back bt once someone did it it has been done time and again by others.It's all in the mind if we think something is impossible we never try to break the shackles. No one ever thought 200 is reachable in an ODI but Sir Sachin Tendulkar has done it very convincingly.

As a CA Student i know how important is to cope up with pressure. Someone has rightly said" Falling down is not failure but not rising up again after the fall is an absolute failure" Nothing is impossible in life. Every of us can reach the top just with a positive attitude.To be a winner one doesn't have to be extra smart all one needs to be is a bit different from others in his planning and execution. Mr ShiV Khera a reknowned motivator has quoted beautifully " Winner don't do different things but they do the things differently".

Everyone of us dreams to be a top professional. It's not that tough either. Dr APJ ABDUL KALAM has said " Dream is not what you see in sleep bt dream is something which doesn't let u sleep." So striving hard to achieve the dream is what helps in achieving the dreams.

Leaving all of you now with some postive quotes shared in the file attached. Hope the file and the above views will help in developing a more positive perspective in every one's life.

Think Positive and Keep Smiling

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Prasad R