Poorest & Purest CM of India

CA. Tanvi Joshi (Chartered Accountant) (2729 Points)

17 May 2013  
Received from a friend. Among so many scams unfolding everyday it is nice to know that we have still got honest people in India- that too a Chief Minister.But media does not have time for them. Please read on.........
India's Poorest Chief Minister: Mr Manik Sarkar

One of many honest persons is  Mr Manik Sarkar, Chief Minister, Tripura.

He has been elected consecutively for fourth terms as Chief Minister. First some facts about this great person.

1. He is the poorest but also the Purest Chief Minister in India.

2. He has been elected as chief minister consecutively for fourth term,one more than Narendra modi's three terms,but zero publicity in our media

3. He doesnot own a home;

4. His bank balance is Rs. 6500/-

5. He donates all his salary to CPI (M), and party gives him sustenance allowance of Rs 5000/- month.

6. His wife never uses official vehicle and can very easily be seen on Rickshaw in Agartala.

7. Even his worst opponents admit that Manik Sarkar is an impeccably honest man, certainly a rare variety among politicians today.

Now, compare these with other chief ministers or politicians, who have assets worth crores of rupees!

Apart from honesty, Mr Manik Sarkar has been impetuous for the development of the state which includes better connectivity and development of IT sector in state. He was also responsible for bringing the concept of public-private partnership and invigorated private intervention, particularly in the IT sector.

I think he demands nothing from us but some respect and a little bit recognition. So, Please  share this post with your friends and show that you are a real Indian.