Points for success: your view please !!!

Ankur Garg (Company Secretary and Compliance Officer)   (114778 Points)

14 December 2010  

The word success is something very special for everyone. Everyone wants to achieve the same. But what exactly is the meaning of success? According to my few points to be kept in mind to achieve success includes the following:


1. Be clear what is the exact meaning of success in your life and words…bcoz it’s a very subjective term having different meanings for different peoples.


2. Keep yourself informed about your real goal in life.


3. Keep your vision crystal clear to ensure point number 2 above.


4. Believe in long term success and hard work.


5. To ensure point number 4 avoid shortcuts in life bcoz to ensure long term success the only way out is hard work and self belief.


6. Never feel hopeless in life bcoz no problem comes with permanent nature…and there is solution for everything.


7. Just believe in honesty and follow this path strictly bcoz honesty is another pillar for long tern success.


8. Always give due respect to your Parents, family, teachers, seniors…who have helped you at any point of time in your life…


It needs no mention that the above simple points are not a copy-paste and depicts my thinking. In the same way you may also share your thoughts.


Thank you !!!