plzz help urgent hai .......

Mohd Javed Khan (CA FINAL) (622 Points)

19 February 2010  

help me ..................

X sels prdct at 20ech mks prft 5 on each.he wrkd 50% of machnry capcty at 50000 lightrs. D cost of ech ligtr as:
Direct mtral-rs 6
Wages-rs 2
Wrks ovrhd-5(50%fixd)
Sales exp-2(25%variable)
His anticipatn 4 d nxt yr is dat d cost wil go up as :
Fixd chrgs- 10%
Dirct labr- 20%
Matrial- 5%

Der wil nt b any change in seling price.der is an additnl ordr 4 20000 lghtrs in d nxt yr. wht is d lwst rate he can quote so dat he can ern d same prfit as in d curnt yr?

plzzz iska ans de do help me its urgent yaar...............