plz help...its rely rely urgent


12 February 2011  

m in big mess....plz help me...

actuly i cleard my 1st grup of PCC in May2010 and 2nd grup in nov 2010....

and now obvisly i hav to register for my CA for registratn dey require marksheets of ur previous attempt..

and my prob is dat i havnt recd may2010 marksheet till now...and u know wat i dont have even printed net copy also...and m searching to download it now but m not able to find any link of may2010 results...only nov2010 results r displayed...

now wat to do...wat will happen wid wud i do my CA Final registration...

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tellllllllllllllll meee...........and regstratn s to be dun within 15 days frm d date of result...

plzzzzzzz tell me how to download may may 2010 marksheet now,...............m v.worried