Plz help-gcl

Vikas Gupta (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) (16295 Points)

12 August 2011  


a.       A  and B agree orally to carry on a partnership business at will and commence business also. After one year A requests B to execute a formal partnership in writing which B refuses. Can A get specific performance in this case?

b.       Sohan is tried summarily by the metropolitan magistrate on the charge of committing theft and is sentenced to undergo imprisonment for a period of four moths. Can Sohan challenge the Decision? If so, on what grounds?

c.      There was a partition between a Hindu Father and his 5 sons. The deed provided that if any one of the sons wanted to sell his share, he shall sell it to one of his brothers only and not to any stranger. The consideration for that share shall be 1000only.Are these conditions Valid. Give reasons.

d.       A was sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for two month 4 a criminal offence. After the expiry of the period of the sentence , he filed an appeal against his conviction and sentence and prayed for the condonation of delay on the ground of imprisonment. Will the court be justified in extending the period of limitation in this case?