Hi friends...can any one tell me IS IT POSSIBLE TO TRANSFER GMCS REGISTRATION FROM ONE CENTER TO ANOTHER CENTER BEFORE THE BATCH ACTUALLY COMMENCES ? If yes what is the procedure? Pls friends clarify at the earliest...
Sowmya.G (CA) (599 Points)
26 November 2011Hi friends...can any one tell me IS IT POSSIBLE TO TRANSFER GMCS REGISTRATION FROM ONE CENTER TO ANOTHER CENTER BEFORE THE BATCH ACTUALLY COMMENCES ? If yes what is the procedure? Pls friends clarify at the earliest...
(Practicing in GST and MSME )
(1985 Points)
Replied 26 November 2011
you may contact to the administrator at the place where you are registered for gmcs classes.
He may help you.
(599 Points)
Replied 26 November 2011
Thanks sunny...but anybody who has undergone similar instances pls share with me...