whn wl d verification result b declare??????
C.A. Rahul Kaushik
(923 Points)
Replied 21 August 2012
whn wl d verification result b declare??????
Rahul Gupta
(252 Points)
Replied 21 August 2012
verification result will not be displayed on www.icai.org.
it will come on "icaiexam.icai.org" by writing your roll no. and pin no. of exam form(may 2012)
perhaps ca institute is not loading verification result online,
now it is sending results through post only.
CA Dheeraj S
(Practicing CA)
(427 Points)
Replied 22 August 2012
DOes anyone know when the verification results of IPCC may.2012 exam come?
C.A. Rahul Kaushik
(923 Points)
Replied 22 August 2012
Dear All,
Pls. share here ur CA Final verification result of May 2012, if it is declared ........
Pls. also share ur previous marks and revised mark...........
CA Rishabh Lodha
(Chartered Accountant - Business Analyst)
(537 Points)
Replied 22 August 2012
C.A. Rahul Kaushik
(923 Points)
Replied 22 August 2012
just a brain cracker until result comes
In US, 10 Canadian dollars are equivalent to 9 US dollars and in Canada 10 US dollars are equal to 9 Canadian dollars (due to supply demand difference). A person who lives near the border, goes to a US pub and buys a US dollar worth of beer and gives a 10 US dollar note and gets back 10 Canadian dollar. Then he crosses border and buys a beer at Canadian pub and gives a 10 Canadian dollar note and gets back a 10 US dollar note!!
Kiran Patil
(Accounts Manager)
(121 Points)
Replied 22 August 2012
Really true dost,
not concentrating on study........
CA Saket Mittal
(99 Points)
Replied 23 August 2012
my result shows no descrpancy in the marks i was left with only bcoz of audit with 38 marks in first group aggregate was 204 as in accounts 56,sfm 58,law 52 n audit 38 .now this is vry hearting yr they cudn't give just two marks.my paper of audit was not so bad i was expecting 55+.now it is vry difficult to study again.
Kiran Patil
(Accounts Manager)
(121 Points)
Replied 23 August 2012
Dear Saket,
its really very hardluck , even u got exemption in one of subject , it could some support for u,
Kiran Patil
(Accounts Manager)
(121 Points)
Replied 24 August 2012
verification result now showing "your application is under process" it is for certified copy i demande,,
but for verification of marks its still showing " No record found"
can anyone suggest me, when verification result will be declared
(33 Points)
Replied 07 September 2012
I got verification status as "Revised Mark Statement"
(183 Points)
Replied 08 September 2012
waooo congratsss....:) i did nt gt any changes in marks :(
potnooru vivekananda
(article assistant)
(30 Points)
Replied 08 September 2012
Kiran Patil
(Accounts Manager)
(121 Points)
Replied 08 September 2012
result showing "no discrepancies in mark ...
this time ICAI is very strict not alloted even 1 mark , i had 59 in idt,
if would be last time in nobv 11 me be passed...
Kiran Patil
(Accounts Manager)
(121 Points)
Replied 08 September 2012
OK now the end of all hopes,
start preparing for may 2012
gud luck for all dost