PLS HELP ME -- 3 Doubts in Avg Due Date

Srinivasaraghavan (Student) (34 Points)

23 December 2010  


Please please someone help me with the following 3 sums in the chapter Average Due Date ASAP. I have to submit the assignment on these tomorrow. Please!! :-(


1) Mr.R having accepted the foll bills drawn by his creditor Mr.P, due on diff dates approached his creditor and requested him to cancel all bills and to accept a single bill for the payment of his entire liability on the average due date. You are requested to ascertain the total amount of bill and its due date.


Bill No                     Date of Drawing       Date of Acceptance      Amt.             Tenure

1                              16.2.2009                     20.2.2009                 8000                 90 days after sight

2                               6.3.2009                       6.3.2009                   6000                 2 months after sight

3                                24.5.2009                      31.5.2009                 2000              4 months after sight

4                                1.6.2009                         1.6.2009                9000                    1 month after sight


2) For goods sold, Mr.Nair draws the foll bills on Mr.Ray who accepts the same as per terms:

Amt of Bill                    Date of Drawing            Date of Acceptance                Tenure

8000                                  6.1.2009                         9.1.2009                                  3 months after date

9000                                   15.2.2009                      18.2.2009                               60 days

8000                                   21.2.2009                     21.2.2009                                 2 months

15000                                  14.3.2009                     17.3.2009                                  30 days after sight


On 18th March 2009, it is agreed that the above bills be withdrawn and the acceptor will pay the whole amount in one lump sum by a cheque, 15 days ahead of average due date and for this a rebate of Rs.1000 will be allowed.

Calculate the Average Due Date, the amount and the due date of the cheque.


3) X accepted the following bills drawn by his creditor Y:

Feb 10th  for Rs.4000 at 3 months

March 15th for Rs.5000 at 4months

April 12th for Rs.6000 at 3 months

May 8th for Rs.5000 at 5 months

On 1st June it was decided that X would withdraw all such bills and he should accept on that day two bills, one for Rs.12000 due in 3 months and the other for the balance for 5 months. Calculate the amount of the second bill after taking into consideration that rate of interest @ 10% p.a. Ignore date of grace.


Pls Help me!! ASAP, pls....