Please suggest me book for sm ipcc group-2
what about padhuka & dinesh madan book
thanks in advance
* Krishna *
(CA Student)
(6149 Points)
Replied 02 August 2011
For SM - Institute Module is the best material to refer. Nothing else needed. Do practice manuals / suggested answers also. Its more than sufficient.
vignesh srinivasan
(21 Points)
Replied 02 August 2011
For Strartegic management, INSTITUTE MATERIAL is the best! In case, you want to use an extra book,padhuka is good.
(79 Points)
Replied 02 August 2011
For SM - Institute Module is the best material to refer. Nothing else needed. Do practice manuals / suggested answers also. Its more than sufficient.
Rajat Kumar Mishra
(A learner)
(55 Points)
Replied 02 August 2011