Plethora of unsolicited advertisement duping students

Sathish M (Management Accountant) (40581 Points)

25 March 2013  

There seems to be an influx of unsolicited ads, inundated on various CCI Forum promising students in providing quick coaching classes or notes / DVD’s to make fast buck, which is most unfortunate.


The students should not fall prey to such dubious ads and they must exercise adequate care and caution. It is imperative for them to check the credentials of such people before committing wherever possible. There are some people trying to exploit student’s psyche, which is undesirable. Many a times it is better to be safe than sorry. Hence, I urge all my fellow CCI members to desist from becoming a victim. Your career is too precious not to get enticed by some commercial minded people, who intend to deceive you. 



Kindly create awareness and help your brethren