Provision need to be made due to Principle of Conservatism. there is no difficulty in recognising the provision amount also.
In our View the follwoing will be the entry.
When sales is made :
Debtors acct Dr. 5,00,000
To Sales acct 5,00,000
At year end , provision need to created , if not earlier maintained
Profit & Loss acct Dr. 50,000
To Provision for Discount of Debtors acct 50,000
At year end provision to be shown under teh head currentliabilities & provisions
In next year , when cash received
Bank Acct Dr. 5,00,000
To Detors acct 5,00,000
Again at year end the requirement of provision for discount will e reviewed,
case 1 : Total provisin say required is rs 60,000.
Already we have 50,000, so further 10 000 may be created
P & L acct dr 10,000
to provision for disc 10,000
Case 2 : Provision for disc reqd is say Rs 20,000,
we have surplus rs 30,000 to be transfeed to P & L acct as prior period item ( below line )
Provision for doubtful debt Dr. 30.000
To P & L acct. 30,000