Dear friends,
is it sufficient to do case laws(approx 30) given in the RTP NOV 2016 only to cover in exam. Or should I do more.
furthermore what are the important topics, I want to do only selective study.
please help me!!!
04 September 2016Dear friends,
is it sufficient to do case laws(approx 30) given in the RTP NOV 2016 only to cover in exam. Or should I do more.
furthermore what are the important topics, I want to do only selective study.
please help me!!!
CA Saba Naaz
(Chartered Accountant)
(8487 Points)
Replied 04 September 2016
You need to prepare Case laws relevant for Nov.16 exams issued by ICAI along with Nov.16 RTP case laws.
And you can't consider any topic less important than others. So, try to cover maximum portion and prepare assessment procedure part thoroughly.