Is SRE 2400&2410, SAE 3400&3402, SRS 4400&4410 in syllabus for ipcc auditing examination to be held in may 2012 as in institute's compiler and rtp's these have not been mentioned...m very confused..please help !!
manasi verma (student) (100 Points)
18 April 2012Is SRE 2400&2410, SAE 3400&3402, SRS 4400&4410 in syllabus for ipcc auditing examination to be held in may 2012 as in institute's compiler and rtp's these have not been mentioned...m very confused..please help !!
Rishabh Ahuja
(491 Points)
Replied 18 April 2012
what i would suggest is (as i did in my exams )
do evrythng other than SA's exceptionally so that u get sure shot marks in that part
and then when u study SA's then with the imp ones do them religiously and jus go through the not so imp ones
same implies here :)
ol th bst :)
Tehsinkhan Pathan
(3956 Points)
Replied 18 April 2012
follow the link below, it will solve your all doubts :-
Read Page no.14 to 20
(29 Points)
Replied 19 April 2012
are SA 700, 705, 706, 710 apllicable to IPCC may 2012 exams?? The abv SA's are apllicable from April 2012 (amendment).
manasi verma
(100 Points)
Replied 20 April 2012
Dhrumin : yes these sa's are applicable as they have been mentioned in the compiler and rtp's issued by icai for may 2012 examination . for confirmation see the attached file from pg 15..