Dear Sanket Sir
Your entry of receipt by the first Branch is not corrcect Although the effect will be nullified becoz of 1 wrong entry is nullified by another entry
Your entry of realisation by first branch is
Bank A/c Dr 130
To Client 130
& your subsequent entry is
Client A/c Dr. 80
To Branch 80
the correct entry would be
Bank A/c Dr 130
To Client 50
To Branch 80
you will be thinking that there will be no difference if u passed your way of entries & i passed my way of entries but i would like to tell u that yours entry is wrong because ;-
At the time of Realisation u had written off the amount of the client by Rs. 130 however out of 130 , 80 Rs. of client is Belongs to Branch 2
So u cannot wrie off the full amount of client by Rs. 130 U should write off the amount of client which was related with 1st branch i.e 50 Rs. & for the rest Branch 2 will be credited ( Branch 2 will become creditor of branch 1)
& your next Entry is just like an rectification Entry
Client of Rs. 80 had been wrongly deducted & also u missed to create the liability of 2nd branch (because of these items are related with B/s no P/l account will come in between)
Hence your entry was
Client a/c Dr. 80
To Branch 2 80
I hope u have understood what i was talking about thank u