Please help me !!!

Himesh Katuria (Student) (258 Points)

09 May 2015  

Respected Everyone ...sorry to post this question so lately ....but pls do help me that my IPCC May 2015 exam is going on ....actually I have not prepared for IPCC very perfectly ....I mean I can pass this IPCC May attempt but with a passing marks ........So Pls tell me that .....What all problems i can face afterwards in articlship or in job ,if my marks are not good in ipcc......will i face problems during my articlship ......because of my less knowledge.....for Eg..if in articleship , my Boss -CA will tell me to do certain work and if I would not be able to do that work bacause of less knowledge.........what prolems did you faced that made you think that you should have done IPCC more perfectlly in the past and then should have joined articleship...???

just a few points of answer will help me alot .....

thank you