hi, In both unit the same materials are finished goods, whether Entry is to be made in rg-1 ( production) column or raw materials stock register. If I sale w/o any opperation to other parties ( as it is) what will be the duty debit ,the same duty . or more ?
Is this permissible to sale any othe party( xyz co. ltd) as it is w/o doing any process bringing the finished goods from one unit to another unit. We get order to our unit-ii factory from xyz Co. Ltd, materials prduced in our unit - I Factory , after transfer the materials in our unit-II factory .
Here telling merely delivery challan is sufficient to transfer the materials (reffering the value). I am thinking different , Excise Inv. is must to transfer the materials as we took the credit. . Then why I will make a separate D.C. What is necessecity of D.C in this respect.
Total procedure not clear to me yet.
Amitabha Mukherjee