Physically Handicapped CA sacked

shayan khan (accountant) (38 Points)

06 July 2011  

Hi, i am a qualified CA and working in one of the Big4 for last 5 months. there is a probation period of 6 months and after that they decide whether to confirm the employees or not. i am a plysically handicapped and having disabilty in my one leg and one hand. as a result of such disability my efficiency to operate laptop and travelling is not at par with the other collegues.( this is 20--30% less) i have been scolded by many a times by managers for this. this reduced my confidence to a great extent. i cried many a times in a separate place. now, they have asked me to resign as they said we can not confirm you as an employee. Now, what can be done by me? should i simply resign or there are some remedies available for this? can ICAI interfere in this matter as my firm is a CA firm and comes under the control of ICAI? I will appreciate your suggestions. Thanks & Regards.