Hey!!! H r U???
Here i hav atchd Basic Of Photoshop Tools Look, if you hav intrst in, widely used software tips n tricks, plz wait for next post...
thnx n rgrds
Kashif Khan (Senior Financial Analyst/ Web Developer/Illustrator/Social Activist) (78 Points)
24 April 2012Hey!!! H r U???
Here i hav atchd Basic Of Photoshop Tools Look, if you hav intrst in, widely used software tips n tricks, plz wait for next post...
thnx n rgrds
CMA. CS. Sanjay Gupta
(114230 Points)
Replied 24 April 2012
Thank you Kashif for the attachment....Acutally i want to learn how to change the backgroun of a picture...
Kashif Khan
(Senior Financial Analyst/ Web Developer/Illustrator/Social Activist)
(78 Points)
Replied 25 April 2012
open an image for background, and other image( targeted), just press CTRL +A ( Select Image),, CTRL +C ( Copy Image), ans Paste CTRL+V on background image, plz note that images, should be same pixel for better result, wel anyway now u have paste ur targeted image over background image, next step is select quick selection tool or press ' w' , make selection gently by hardness 0 %, diameter 10 to 15 px, and spacing 145%, after making a gentle selection on ur image, go to select menu bar, from drop down list click on inverse, means u have make inverse selection , or deseleted the selection, now press DELETE button from ur keyborad, u wil c the background of targeted image has been removed and the images behind targeted images reveal as new background.
NOTE: by pressing CTRL +T u can manage position of ur selection image...
thnxxx n rgrds
CMA. CS. Sanjay Gupta
(114230 Points)
Replied 25 April 2012
Thanks Kashif... I will definitely try this.
Kashif Khan
(Senior Financial Analyst/ Web Developer/Illustrator/Social Activist)
(78 Points)
Replied 25 April 2012
it is more theoretical, but realy a good conceptual,, plz dont ignore....
Kashif Khan
(Senior Financial Analyst/ Web Developer/Illustrator/Social Activist)
(78 Points)
Replied 27 April 2012
its not a tough task to manipulate a one image over another or change background, by this atchmnt u can get a basic idea over ur project, n else ur practice wil done,,,,,,