Our company pay the salary of 20 employee by bank. now could you tell that it is necessary to deduct of EPF & ESI . what to do if the emmployee refuse.
uday kumar yadav (accountant ) (32 Points)
21 May 2018Sir,
Our company pay the salary of 20 employee by bank. now could you tell that it is necessary to deduct of EPF & ESI . what to do if the emmployee refuse.
rama krishnan
(12244 Points)
Replied 21 May 2018
uday kumar yadav
(accountant )
(32 Points)
Replied 22 May 2018
sir ,but some employee wants not to deduct epf from our salary , can the total salary be transfered in employee a/c by employeer . There is no any problem if do so.
Vinod Babu
(24196 Points)
Replied 22 May 2018
uday kumar yadav
(accountant )
(32 Points)
Replied 02 June 2024
सर अगर कोई proprietorship का मालिक बैक अकाउंट से PVT LTD को 5000000 रुपये देता है , PVT LTD मे अपना Capital बढाने के लिए। तो वैसे स्थति मे दोनो company मे entry क्या होगा
uday kumar yadav
(accountant )
(32 Points)
Replied 02 June 2024
सर अगर कोई proprietorship का मालिक बैक अकाउंट से PVT LTD को 5000000 रुपये देता है , PVT LTD मे अपना Capital बढाने के लिए। तो वैसे स्थति मे दोनो company मे entry क्या होगा