I have some doubt in account posting ...
i have give my software to eductional institute, where they can make a salary voucher using my software.
they have many types of allowences and deductions in salary like :
Basic salary
+ D.A.
+ H.R.A.
+ Medical
+ Travelling (etc... ) and
- T.D. @ S
-Professtional Tax
- P.F.
now i want to give one form where they can raise salary for the staff as per about salary structure...
means they can made salary accurual to the month, and then they can made a payment for the salary, Income tax( T.D.S) and P.F. payment later on...
i can't understand how do i post this entries in account.
they need salary expences a/c., all allownces and deduction's a/c. all p.f. 's a/c ( eg. Acc 1, Acc 10, Acc 2, Acc 20 and Acc 22 as per P.F. norms )
so please help me sir...