Our compnay is filing regular Excise return in the form ER 8 by opting notification number 1/2011 C.E., dt 01.03.2011, to pay excise duty @ 1% / 2% without availing CENVAT credit.
we towards doing some repackaging job, to pack Diwali Gift pack, which amounts to manufacturing, intimated the department before start of work that we shall be doing repackaging job for diwali gifts, will pay Excise duty on MRP basis after availing CENVAT credit, shall maintain separate record. We further advised that any other formaility to be obserbed from us, will be complied with as and when asked for.
We filed ER1 return during the period we did packaging alongwith our regular ER8 return.
Now the deptt is insisting to file ER1 for each month with Nil clearance whereas same is not our regular job in addition to ER8 for regualr work done. Please advsie if deptt is right in asking for the same.