are the icai study materials sufficient for PCC preparation,or extra books must be viewed.
Ankit kumar (Student) (1691 Points)
27 November 2008are the icai study materials sufficient for PCC preparation,or extra books must be viewed.
CA Yasaswy Sarma Veluri
(Chartered Accountant)
(608 Points)
Replied 27 November 2008
In case of Income Tax ,Accounts and Costing U Better Go For another Books where u Find Extra Sums... Income Tax - TN Manoharan , Girish Ahuja Accounts - MP Vijay Kumar or any other book ( kep Practising) Costing - Even I Dont know what Book to go for but as of now i am following Sarvana Prasath..
Rest 3 sSubjcts Institute Material is more than enuf.. U Can Just Referr to Scanners if u Need.
Originally posted by :Ankit kumar |
" | are the icai study materials sufficient for PCC preparation,or extra books must be viewed. | " |
(746 Points)
Replied 27 November 2008
Refer M.P.Vijayakumar for Law, Gurulripa for Costing & Auditing, Tax - T.N.Manoharan, Refer Compiler for other Subjects!
(23 Points)
Replied 27 November 2008
Originally posted by :Ankit kumar | ||
" | are the icai study materials sufficient for PCC preparation,or extra books must be viewed. | " |
they are more than sufficient