Originally posted by : TaxIndia |
This query is not posted to know how the EASIEST e-payment system works.. everyone knows about that..... This query is posted for the getting solution to rectify the manual error done while making the payment.....
If you are unable to understand/ resolve the query, then please stay away from it... It is better to be ignorant than giving advise based on half knowledge.
chill down
the solution is already given , to write to the commissioner of the delated assesee with challan copy and fact, and make request to transfer the amount to the commssionarate of actual assesee, but it takes lots of patience to make it executed, as they wil look in depth of assesee file for any overdue , and if needed audit may be initiated ( depends if the amount is on higher side)
sorry if my earlier posts made you feel bad, but online payment to excise and servoce tax is possible through EASIEST only, and it always crops the data from Excise / Service Tax Code, and if the code is cancelled, then it will not work, this was the main point what i had to mention as the query was posted regarding "online payment" which is not possible without using easiest.
as there is no such rule/notification to handle such type of mistakes, only the commissioner may help the assesee.