
*RENU SINGH * (✩ §m!ℓ!ñġ €ม€§ fℓม!ñġ ђ♪gђ✩ )   (21627 Points)

08 June 2011  

Patience ….

Even though my name’s meaning itself refer to this quality. But still this word is quite new ….or can be said unknown to me. This is a special virtue that every mom have. Because she is an expert ,  who really knows how to handle every situation in a very cool and calm way.

Patience is a virtue which represents the power of keep going in any good or bad circumstances to reach the final point where we really want to be.

As I earlier said , this is a new word to me . So lets start with the opposite word “IMPATIENCE” . A position where one is in hurry to reach the conclusion . As it is said “haste make waste”. It really express the same situation . IMPATIENCE is the situation where one wants to reach at the instant moment of the circumstances  without even thinking about the past or present or future of the same situation.

So what is the patience actually ?  what is it made of ? It’s a mixture of 3 components ------

§  Time

§  Wisdom

§  Believe

IF you have these virtues in the given situation then obviously you will be patient.

TIME -----

                   Situation don’t need instant reaction mostly. Suppose  your boss is yelling upon you for not working properly. You also shot back at the same   moment.  He instantly ignore the work done by you. He would simply blabber something and walk away.

But this situation can be more beautiful if you just listen the shrill sound . And afterwards show your work after a short span of time . He will surely praise you .


Wisdom ------

          An necessary quality for all the things get done in life.Wisdom comes in mind , when you actually realize the situation and what are you supposed to do or bound to do , at  the right moment. “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions” (RAINA MARIA)



Believe -----

          Obviously patience is not a one moment game. It’s spread over a span of time. Even if you are wise, you can still commit mistakes, if you really don’t have believe upon what you have analyzed .  Support your believe with the facts to make a strong base of wisdom.   

Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success. ( BRAIN ADAMS)



