Pan card for estate

nt12345 (NA) (24 Points)

17 May 2015  

Hello All,

Court has granted a probate of a will by the name of Late Mrs.XYZ to Mr.ABC. Now, I've been told that for financial transactions relating to the will, Mr. ABC need's to get another PAN card in the name of "ESTATE OF LATE XYZ". I just had some questions on how should the PAN card application should be filled.

  1. Should we fill the form assuming we were filling it for Mrs.XYZ? So in the Firstname we would have 'ESTATE OF LATE X', Gender 'Female', Address to 'whereever she lived at' and .Date of Birth to 'her date of birth'?
  2. For Status of applicant, we need to check "Artificially Judicial Person", right?
  3. For Documents submitted as Proof Of Identity (POI) and Proof of Address (POA) what can we submit? Could we just submit a death certificate in this case.

Any guidance for the above would be greatly appreciated

Thank you