on an enquiry over the net over an issue i found this discussion of paid up capital vs Subscribed capital, which is highly appreciable.
I require an advice on some points, before that let me elaborate the issue step by step.
1-There was a partnership firm running a hospital with an bank loan.
2- The Hospital as projected could not fetch enough cash flow to refund the bank loan.
3- Bank advised the partnership firm to introduce some Doctors who can pump capital.
4 - The intrested doctors agreed on condition that they will be a part only if the shape of entity is a Company registered as per law.
5- at last 2 doctors 2 (d-1,d-2) and partners(p-1,p-2) of partnership firm form a pvt ltd company on 19th March 2010 with an agreement that they will take over the hospital for 3 crores after formation of company where there share holding pattern will be d1-20% , d2-15% ,p1-60%, p2-5% and the authorised share capital shall be 1crore (10lakh shares @ Rs 10/-)and premium will be 2 crore.
on take over of hospital the considartion to partnership firm shall be met -out of the subscribed capital 35 lakhs,and remaining in shape of shares,i.e 6,99,800 shares.
6- the MOA filed with roc that subscripttion to capital d1-2,00,000 d2- 1,50,000 p1-100 p2-100 shares
7- after formation of company the doctors could not arranged the fund ,it is decided they will issue only 5lakhs shares out of 10lakhs share and from that 5 lakh. d-1 will take only 6.5% i.e 32500share
d2-9.5% i.e 47500 shares and
the partners shall be given 420000 shares againest their considaration .
8- and they agreed to pay premium of Rs 38 per share.
9- now the Take over agreement signed beetween the parties.
10- the query is how to file returns for the same. a) form-23 registering the resolution for take over
b) form -2 allotment of shares to d1,d2,p1,p2
Advisory is solicited urgently.