CA GIRISH (Chartered Accountant) (1796 Points)

25 September 2010  

Orkut is affected by scraps titled Bom Sabado!. Heard it is a bug/virus and affecting profiles of many.

I suggest everyone to close your orkut tab for this time until this scriptt get disabled from orkut. Bom Sabado (means Good Friday) is an orkut virus. The same virus has hit Orkut last Feb also.

Bom Sabado is a cookie stealing virus. Those who are affected by this virus try to change their password as soon as possible and also clean your browser cookies.

1. DONOT visit any profile on Orkut till this scriptt is blocked ( More preciously DONOT use Orkut till this is blocked, as you can get affected by Flash scraps posted on your SB too! )

2. Clear your cookies and cache right away and change your password and security question :


3. Let your friends know about this scriptt and make them aware of the situation. ( It’s just an effort to minimize the damage ).